Sm Head 05

HoloSapiens - the TCM "Food as Medicine" Project


Summerheat relates to the season summer. It is the only external evil that invades only in its own season. 


Since the humidity in late summer is high, as heat makes water vaporize, heat and damp mingle together manifesting in diarrhea. Drinking rice water - the water in which rice is boiled in - is a great remedy to stop diarrhea but it still is imperative to keep the body very well hydrated.


Heat symptoms caused by summerheat invasion are thirst, sweating and fever. Good remedy that addresses these symptoms is watermelon. It is an herb in traditional Chinese medicine which cools the internal body heat and hydrates the body.



Liangyue, D., Yijun, G., Shuhui, H., Xiaoping, J., Yang, L., Rufen, W., Wenjing, W., Xuetai, W., Hengze, X., Xiuling, X., Jiuling, Y. (1987). Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press


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