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HoloSapiens - the TCM "Food as Medicine" Project




  • sudden and extreme wind


Wind is an external climatic factor. According to traditional Chinese medicine sudden and extreme wind can penetrate the body from the surface and “hide under the skin”. Ones under the skin the wind obstructs the Defensive Qi - the body's defense mechanism - causing common cold and flu-like symptoms.  The most common locations through which the wind enters the body are the shoulders, the neck, and the back. 

There are two types of wind invasion. One is called Wind-Cold and the other - Wind-Heat.  


If you want to learn more about the Lung and its functions from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine you can read the material "The Lung in Traditional Chinese Medicine" in the Physiology chapter.




  • wind-cold symptoms - chills, aversion to cold, body pain, runny nose with profuse clear discharge, frequent, clear and profuse urination, some fever
  • wind-heat symptoms - sore throat, thirst, fever, some chills, thick, yellow nasal discharge, yellow urine


Wind-Cold is characterized with predominantly “cold” symptoms such as chills and aversion to cold. As the Defensive Qi is obstructed it cannot circulate and warm the body's muscles so there is overall body pain. The Lung opens into the nose therefore there is runny nose with profuse clear discharge. As one the wind invades the body through back where the Urinary Bladder channel runs the urination becomes frequent and profuse. Light fever might be present (although fever is a heat sign) as the body starts fighting off the pathogen. 


Wind-Heat is characterised predominantly with “heat” sings such as sore throat and thirst. The chills are still somewhat present but the fever is predominant. The heat has condensed the discharge in the nose and now the discharge is scanty, thick and yellow. The urine is also yellow and in some cases urinating might be painful. 




As the wind invades the body predominantly form the neck, back and shoulders it is advised to wear wind-proof jacket whenever there is strong wind to prevent it from penetrating the body surface. 


In the case of Wind-Cold the wind is hidden under the skin therefore hot and spicy foods are recommended, as they promote sweating thus help expel the wind from under the skin. Spicy foods also enter the Lung and clear it from mucus conditions. The hot nature of the foods additionally clears the cold signs manifested with Wind-Cold.


In the case of Wind-Heat we still select spicy foods to induce sweating and expel the wind but this time we select spicy-cold foods. 


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Food therapy is the most economical and non-toxic biochemical approach to health and disease. Food is something we continuously use to sustain our lives. Learning what foods are healing (and what disruptive) for each condition has the potential to convert every meal into a form of therapy.   


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Zhang, Enqin (1990). Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Shanghai: Publishing House of Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Deng Liangye, Gan Yijun, He Shuhui, Ji Xiaoping, Li Yang, Wang Rufen, Wang Wenjing, Wang Xuetai, Xu Hengze, Xue Xuiling, Yuan Jiuling (1987). Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion. China: Foreign Languages Press

Maciocia, Giovanni (1989). The Foundations of Chinese Medicine. Edinburgh: Harcourt Publishers Limited

Yang Weiyi, Meng Fanyi, Jiang Yuanan(2002). Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Beijing: Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology

Pitchford, Paul (2002). Healing with Whole Foods. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books

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