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HoloSapiens - the TCM "Food as Medicine" Project


The Kidneys are the lowest solid organs in the torso and in traditional Chinese medicine are the foundation of all Yin and all Yang qualities in the body (the state of Kidney Yin determines the state of Yin in the body and the state of Kidney Yang determines the state of Yang in the body)(1)(3). Furthermore in TCM the occupying place between the two kidneys, referred to as the "Gate of Vitality", is viewed to be the fire force of all bodily functions(1)(2) and the root of the Original Qi(1). Therefore in traditional Chinese medicine the Kidneys are often referred to as the “root(1)(4) organs”, and are the basis of vigor, nourishment, potency and strength.

Just like the growth, development, and life span of a plant depend on the strength and vitality of its roots, in humans the growth, development, and life span depend on the strength and vitality of the “root organs" Kidneys. Thus the Kidneys in humans contain the "Essence of Life"(2).

The “Kidney Essence” determines the growth, development, maturation, and reproduction(1)(2)(3) and is responsible for the vitality and longevity in every person. People with deficient Kidney Essence suffer from infertility, impotence, mental and physical underdevelopment in children(1)(2), premature senility in adults(1)There are two types of Essence - prenatal and postnatal(1)(2)(3). The prenatal Essence is acquired from our parents (some compare it to DNA). The postnatal Essence is gathered during life through the energy of the food(1)(2)(3) we consume and our overall lifestyle. Prenatal Essence is something that is inherited and unchanging. Postnatal Essence is variable and depends on our life choices. Healthy eating habits(1)(2)(3) and an overall healthy and spiritual lifestyle generates postnatal Essence, while unhealthy diet, cigarettes, alcohol, living in polluted areas, stress, etc. disturbs the postnatal Essence. Thus although our life span and life quality may be somewhat predetermined by our inheritance, it is essential to remember that a big part of it also depends on our own choices(5)

The Kidney Essence (pre- and postnatal) “produces” the substance that formulates the bone marrow and the brain(1)(2)(3). Therefore in traditional Chinese medicine the Kidneys govern the brain(1)(3) and the intelligence(1). People with sufficient Kidney Essence have good memory, good concentration, and sharp thinking. People with insufficient Essence have rather poor memory and concentration, and dull thinking(1).

Bone marrow nourishes the bones(2)(3) therefore the Kidney also governs the bones. Strong Kidneys will manifest in strong bones and healthy teeth. Weak Kidneys will manifest in all kinds of bone problems, especially those of the lower back and knees, as well as unhealthy teeth(1)(3).

Although the Kidneys are the root organs of the body and nourish the body as a whole they also works locally. They govern the Urinary Bladder (the partner organ of the Kidneys) and the sexual organs in men and women. Thus any reproductive, sexual, and urinary problems in traditional Chinese medicine are assigned to the Kidneys(1)(3).

The Kidneys opens to the ears(1)(2)(3)(4). Good hearing points to healthy Kidneys, while deficient Kidneys lead to hearing loss or ear sounds(1)(3).

The Kidneys manifests in the hair. Abundant, strong hair shows abundant Kidney Essence, while thin, brittle hair or prematurely graying of the hair points to Kidney Essence deficiency(1)(2)(3).

On a mental level the Kidneys house the will power. People with strong Kidneys easily set up a goal and persistently pursue it. On the other hand people with weak Kidneys get easily discouraged and detached from their goals(1)

The emotion of the Kidneys is fear. Chronic unaddressed fear will interfere with one’s ability to experience love. In Five elements theory the Kidneys are element Water and the Heart is element Fire. Water extinguishes Fire thus the Kidneys have a restrictive influence on the Heart. Deficient fear-ridden Kidneys will have a restricting effect on the loving and joyful manifestation of a healthy Heart(5). Therefore people who do not experience enough love and joy should search deeply within themselves to locate, recognise, and transform hidden fear.



(1) Maciocia, Giovanni (1989). The Foundations of Chinese Medicine. Edinburgh: Harcourt Publishers Limited

(2) Zhang, Enqin (1990). Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Shanghai: Publishing House of Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

(3) Deng Liangye, Gan Yijun, He Shuhui, Ji Xiaoping, Li Yang, Wang Rufen, Wang Wenjing, Wang Xuetai, Xu Hengze, Xue Xuiling, Yuan Jiuling (1987). Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion. China: Foreign Languages Press

(4) Yang Weiyi, Meng Fanyi, Jiang Yuanan(2002). Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Beijing: Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology

(5) Pitchford, Paul (2002). Healing with Whole Foods. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books


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