Sm Head 05

HoloSapiens - the TCM "Food as Medicine" Project


“Late summer” is reffered to by some sources as the period that covers the last month of each of the four seasons and by other sources - the period that covers the last month of the summer (together with the sixty days surrounding each of the two equinoxes and two solstices). It corresponds to Element Earth. The organs Spleen and Stomach (the Middle/the digestion), the sweet taste and the color yellow also correspond to Element Earth. Thus the best time to tonify the Middle/the digestion is during the “late summer” (i.e. now!) with yellow and slightly sweet foods.

Poor digestion symptoms such as gas, bloating, poor energy and tiredness, sluggishness, loose stool, water retention, weight gain, apathy etc. can greatly benefit from the above foods. Read more and get some ideas!


Yellow Squash

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