Sm Head 05

HoloSapiens - the TCM "Food as Medicine" Project




  • over-consumption of cold foods and drinks
  • prolonged exposure to climatic cold


In traditional Chinese medicine the syndrome “cold in the Stomach” is caused by over-consumption of "cold" foods and "cold" drinks such as ice cream, icy cold drinks, raw fruits and vegetables, and everything that is consumed directly out of the refrigerator. "Cold in the Stomach" may be also caused by prolonged exposure to external climatic cold.

If you want to learn more about the stomach and its functions from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine  go to "The Stomach in Traditional Chinese Medicine" in the Physiology chapter.




  • severe sharp pain in the Stomach
  • vomiting of clear fluids
  • loose stools
  • constantly feeling cold


Whenever there is “internal coldness” there is pain. Thus major symptom for “cold in the Stomach” is sharp, severe pain, which gets worse with consuming some of the above “cold” foods. Vomiting of clear fluids is possible as well as loose stools (no warmth/energy to restrain the stomach and intestinal substances). There is ongoing overall feeling of cold, which may be more predominant in the Stomach area and in the extremities.




Hot soups and teas should be consumed to immediately warm the Stomach and the whole body. 


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Food therapy is the most economical and non-toxic biochemical approach to health and disease. Food is something we continuously use to sustain our lives. Learning what foods are healing (and what disruptive) for each condition has the potential to convert every meal into a form of therapy.   


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Zhang, Enqin (1990). Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Shanghai: Publishing House of Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Deng Liangye, Gan Yijun, He Shuhui, Ji Xiaoping, Li Yang, Wang Rufen, Wang Wenjing, Wang Xuetai, Xu Hengze, Xue Xuiling, Yuan Jiuling (1987). Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion. China: Foreign Languages Press

Yang Weiyi, Meng Fanyi, Jiang Yuanan(2002). Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Beijing: Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology


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